We spot each other in the distance and both veer into the central reservation for a chat, as is the custom. He is Victor from Marseille, heading home after starting his trip in Tasmania. I think he flew from Laos to Kazakhstan. I immediately notice how little gear he is carrying ( oh so beautifully lightweght!)and wonder how he copes without waterproof panniers. (But would I give up my mudguards.......no.) We have the same rear-view mirror and that's about it. We swap hostel notes, although I openly admit I can't remember where I stayed or when, only that it was good.
And the heavyweight! The difference in layers of clothing might be that he had a tailwind - the bas****d!
March 28th, 2013 Incredible hospitality
Drinking tea in Turkey is the social equivalent of propping up a bar in the UK, although probably healthier and significantly cheaper. I'm doing my usual thing of cutting right through a town centre and I spy a cafe with tasty looking buffet of hot food. I ask for a tea with the meal. The don't serve it on the premises but no problem............a few minutes later a waiter comes in off the street with a cup of tea on a tray. I pay the bill and ask for the toilet, they don't have one on the premises but I'm given a few hand signals and off I go down the street. It seems that the toilet is in a mosque complex. It is.........and I could have washed my feet too but I didn't have a towel.
On my way to the WC
As I pass through small villages old men sat outside beckon me over with that universal 'stirring of a teaspoon' motion. I mostly apologise and tap an imaginary watch on my wrist to signify I'm on a tight schedule....................and for the sake of my bladder. Sometimes I relent and they are very pleasant occasions despite the language barrier.
Invited to come in and warm myself - most welcome
10km further on I succumb to an invite for tea with the village mafia |
 Not a great photo but the driver of this truck pulled up right in front of me, got down from the cab and asked me if I needed water, food or anything. I just can't imagine this happening in Europe
Thanks for the updates Mike. That bathroom is ridiculous!