Thursday, 21 March 2013

Day 49/50 - Sofia

Day 49 

St. Alexander Nevsky Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral. Currently the largest in the Balkans until Belgrade finish building their new one. Apparently, size is important here.

I've had an enjoyable guided tour of Sofia this morning. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, a day earlier than planned but I just want to get going again. It's 633km to Istanbul with 5,300m of climb. The forecast says it will be cold and dry with a strong NW tailwind. Cool! (this word is used a lot in hostels)

I've made some great friends here, especially Carolina and Alfredo from Costa Rica and Miguel from Portugal.........all with amazing travel stories to tell.

I will be in Plovdiv on Saturday night and Istanbul on Thursday 28 Mar............ if my back holds up : /

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, it is a pity we did not wake up early enough to say good bye to you.

    Have a safe travel, and have fun!

