A clear blue sky this morning but a bit hazy. I've been so lucky with the weather. In the evening there was a strong wind and I was perched right on the edge of a steep slope. I guessed it was an anabatic wind (from my gliding meteorology days) and would die down after nightfall. It did thankfully because it was very cold. A mother and daughter out for an early morning walk pass me as I pack away. We chat briefly and they take a photo for me.
06:30 Time to get going |
The wind was so strong in the evening it kept blowing the bike (my windbreak) over - so I attached a guy rope to it. |
Doing the housework - shaking out the tent inner. |
The sun is up - ready for the off. |
Majestic.......... |
and tranquil. |
I'm somewhere in here! |
Loving it! |
Italy - the land of the bicycle. Can you imagine snow-ploughing cycle paths in the UK? |
A quiet Sunday |
I took this from the tent to show how close I was to the railway....close! |
These are my North Face tent slippers - warm and no sharp edges to rip the tent . |
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