80km today 199km total 250km to Palencia
riding time
Elev 1095m
My version of 'scraping the ice off your windscreen'
Even later departure today. I'm in a very hilly area following the N525 through Verin and hoping to make Benavente in a couple of days. As soon as I see a sign for a crawler lane for lorries I know I'm in trouble. My road intertwines with the new A52 autoestrada which clearly takes most of the traffic as sometimes I don't see a car for 30 minutes. The A52's 6 lanes slice through mountains and soar across valleys on majestic viaducts while I labour above and below it like a yo-yo. The wind has shifted round to the north, not really helping me on my progress east, and it's noticeably colder. It's been sunshine and squally showers all day so I've had my waterproofs on and off more times than a whore's drawers (as my dad used to say). I'm above 1000m and there is snow on the hill tops. I get a few supportive toots from motorists which is nice Anyway that's my excuse for only managing 60km today. At this rate I may have to rethink my schedule. After today, I'm dreaming of a flat boring plain with a tailwind. I'm writing this while finishing off my second San Miguel in front of a fantastic log fire not 100m from my sub-zero tent. This would be perfect except that I have just managed to lose a filling to a piece of homemade pork scratching that came with the beer. Oh well!
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