I was writing up the blog in the hotel room this morning when the room phone rang......the madame of Hotel California wanted to know if I was staying another night. "No", I replied, "I'll be checking out in about 30 minutes". She sounded doubtful "It's pouring with rain". Indeed it was, cats and dogs, but clearly she didn't understand the British character. In the foyer I sweated patiently in full cold/wet weather clothing as she checked out her advertising strategy, quizzing me about how cyclists search for accommodation. I think she was asking the wrong person.
The previous night I decided to take a more adventurous high altitude course to Milan, which is about 360 km away. After all, I had already ridden the coastal route, the Via Aurelia, on my way to Rome last April. So, I decided to do a short run today, camp below the snow line and then get through the first of the cols tomorrow. There's a couple at around 1000m and a biggie at 1,870m
the Col de Tende after which it seems like a 200km downhill all the way to Milan.
Around lunch-time I thought the weather gods had finally decided to throw me a challenge. There was a stiff NE wind coming off the sea which was just 30m away on the left. The spume from the waves battering the rocks was blowing across the cycle path, mixing it with the rain. I looked up and saw the mountains behind Nice, the tops covered in dark rain cloud, the snow visible some 200m below cloudbase. I laughed to myself, thinking "Bring it on!"
The cycle path goes right through Nice,a distance of some 20km. There are regular ' bike stations' along the route. I thought these bikes must just rust away during the winter months but when I looked closer these were high-spec bikes with shaft drive, shimano hub generator for the lights, hub brakes......impressive!
The cycle path and hire bikes through Nice |
In the afternoon the rain petered out and the wind moderated. I stop for the night just before l'Escarene having only reached 200m from sea level. A climbing day tomorrow.
Sheltered from the rain |